Thursday, September 26, 2013

keep you inner child alive

Hello there

You are in a place where madness is welcomed...a place where your inner child and his monster friends can run wild...a place where anything and everything can come true.

Enough with cliche introductions and let's get to the point...

If you like to write stories, draw or paint, have a theory you wish to explore, and want to inspire others to help you in doing so...then this is the place to be, specially if you've always wanted to make your own graphic novel.

The idea is to come up with ideas that can be turned into graphic novels or standalone art pieces.

You can either throw an idea or add to one that is already here. do so by either writing, commenting, drawing, painting and any other crazy way you wish to express with.

you can also tag on instagram or twitter by #cloudcr8 to help us or others find you, as well as you stumbling upon people who share the common goal.

The first of these is a sci-fi story that i was working on and i hope you or others find interesting.

The concept is based on a theory that i carried with me since childhood...Even after all these years i do believe in it but haven't started doing anything about it till i woke up from a dream filled with what could be a future or another reality.

Have a look, and do keep an open mind, i do have respect to people and their beliefs, so plz do the same :^)



Friday, September 20, 2013

Project L

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration"
~Thomas Edison

"Madness is a 100% luck!" 

~ Majed Al Bahiti

Note: this is a draft, wording revision and artwork editing likely in the future...if we still exist

In the beginning there was ruled the night and man shuddered in fear of what lurked within.

We hid in our caves, and climbed the tallest trees, hoping that we could escape
whatever came looking for us...and back then, everything went bump in the night. 

we never did flourish as was meant for humans back then, not until a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and started lit fire...our first discovery, our first friend. With it came light, warmth, protection, food, and stronger tools. 

It wasn't till a lot of centuries past that one of our brightest found out how thunder came to be...
How it moved and how it transformed.

He found a way to manipulate it, to use force it into what he wanted it to

Thomas Edison, somewhere around the 1800’s invented what was called an electric light can look it up in your kindergarden prerequisite "AMP" files later on... 

A light switch would permit Electricity, a physical phenomenon associated with the flow of an electric charge, to pass through a filament wire where it is heated to an extent where it glowed and created light.

Prehistoric to you i know...

You might not recognize it, but our "Onen" Light system is one of its grandchildren...

This was because subatomic particles would become charged, influenced, and manipulated to produce electromagnetic fields...but of course you knew that since it was embedded in your alfa neuro” files...but to obsolete units like myself, it had to be explained over and over again till we understood it and memorized it...

I remember an example that my ancestors used to make it easier for me to remember and understand the concept...and it goes a little bit like this...

Marbles....oh wait...

Let me project this so you can understand what marbles are, they are lost to your generation and the past 20 or so others.

A marble ball is a small spherical toy that we used to have...primitive i know but still fun...they were usually made from glass, clay, steel, and agate. 
They were the size of the tip of my finger, sometimes smaller and sometimes bigger.

We collected them, and we battled between each other to try and win our opponent's collected pieces. 

The game was to set them in a circle that we drew in the ground, grouped randomly and aim one from a point away from the others...

with a flick of our fingers we shot them towards the others to see which we could hit and push out of the circle to win.

You see they moved when the first ball touched transferred part of its energy to them and that's how they moved.

This is the same with particles as the subatomic level...our "Ionen" technology was just a theory back then...Energy never dies or fades just moves from one place to the other and changes form...

As a hypothesis, if you leave these particles alone with any physical interference (which is impossible) they wouldn't move an inch, but if you hit just one and it starts touching the others, then that's when it gets interesting...

The first particle gives part of the energy it gains to the other particle as it touches them through friction, we see that energy as movement when in reality it also creates heat and other forms of energy that keep moving from one particle to the other...

Now imagine if we drew a circle around them...and forced them to stay there...give them a tap...and watch how they keep passing that energy from one another in different if they were dancing with one another...
That energy remains with them in that circle as long as they don't pass it beyond that circle and if it doesn't take it from them...

Now imagine that "big circle" was everything around us...

Yes! anything in that circle is energy, even my voice, it moves from place to place changing in form but it's always there. Even us, we ourselves are forms of energy.

Our scientist made a smaller circle one that fit nicely into the first generation "Ionen" units...those generators were able to interact with the "big circle" and use any type of energy from outside and around us, condense it, multiply it, and reform it to generate "Ionen"...electricity's grandchild...

That "Ionen" is what fuels everything today...all our industries run on it...
It’s clean, efficient, infinite, and best of all, free!

Our machines work endlessly with it. they are faster, smoother, and don't destroy the environment like that old black and dirty coal and oil that almost ended planet earth... 

We were able to build more efficient cities like the one we live in here on earth...Cities that were functional, used up what little land we had left on earth.

With "Ionen" the advancement was rapid and the potential was limitless.

Even medicine became a sinch ...
we freeze our sick or malfunctioning bodies inside the Cryogenic chambers till we fixed or printed replacement parts for anything broken...

Remember our bodies are like circles as well, so we pause the energy in it and any decay that might happen till we fix the circle.

That’s when epidemics and diseases became a thing of the past. 

We were able to live longer and healthier, and started even merging technology in our bodies. 

Just like the "AMP" chip in your brain, or that "H.U.D" that pops up in your eye, and that "Epidermi-COM" you have behind your ears...
But none of that crap for me, or some the people of my generation... I prefer to stay like i was 346 years ago...
well excluding the new lungs and livers i got...

I guess it's what's left of my "human" memory instead of what our species is called today..."Elumans" 

Freezing our bodies made it easier to travel, especially through space.
It was how we reached other planets and built our "Terrapolis" cities like "Jupiter Alpha".

We used them to excavate for precious metals and minerals and as bases to drive around the "Milky Way" using our Magnetic propulsion ships while we hibernate in our Cryogen.

Our ships reached further places faster, which made space exploration like a stroll in the park. 

it's how we started to discover other life forms, the intelligent ones as well...

Like the ones in "Kepler-69C", 190 parsecs beyond our solar system.

We were more advanced technologically, which gave us bargaining power over them.

We swapped knowledge, medicine, tools and helped them build so we could populate their planets with mini-colonies.

The ones that didn't want to bargain were easy to subdue and turn into workers. We never allowed them to go beyond certain points of knowledge, we had to remain the crowned monarchs.

It seemed like we reached our evolutionary peek, well not that nature changed how we look, we changed how we lived and thought...

Everything was great and we, as "Elumans", flourished. 

But we lacked an overall goal, we always felt like there was more and our curiosity, that damn curiosity kept pushing us further...

We wondered and asked ourselves where we were headed, and most importantly, where we came from...

Our political leaders along with the clerics of the latest trending religions wanted more power over who followed, they promised answers to why we existed and proof that they knew what it was...

so we kept looking and traveling further into the darkness of space...

till one dark day, we found it...
...we found her!

The one who flicked the first finger and hit the marbles that moved and created the whole universe...

She was busy on the other side of the galaxy, creating, building, playing, experimenting...trying different variations of what she made before..."us"

And when we reached her...
She wasn't happy at all...oh no she wasn't...

She thought we were long gone...she thought we died with the Dinosaurs...she almost didn't even recognize us...

And when she did...we saw her lips move and heard the start of a whisper in our minds, we all heard it...We all heard her say it ... "L"

All of us in the ship and even the others in the fleet heard it...
just before...just before our bodies trembled with the cold feeling that we forgot! ...The cold fingers of death touching our skin, missing us and teasing of what was coming...

It took humanity 50,000 years to reach our first billion population. Then 200 years to reach 7 billion and 100 years to go beyond 15 billion...
It took her 7 days! ... 7 days to cut us down to 6,000 !

To be continued...